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Writer's pictureBhaktimarga Swami


Saturday, July 27th 2024

Edmonton, Alberta

I entered the elevator from floor 7 at the Ramada Inn. Down one floor it stopped to catch a couple on the descent. The door closed. We greeted each other.

“Are you travelling or are you from town ?” I asked.

“I am,” she answered, “he’s not”.

The elevator took us to Floor 2 when a women stood there and asked,”Going down?”

“Yes, morally we’re all going down.” The other three occupants couldn’t agree more. The woman from Floor 2 added, "The world is a soul sucker.” I never heard that phrase before but she was right on target. We all went our respective ways with that soul sucker thought.

This is Kali yuga, I thought, a time of darkness and self-centredness. To endeavour to counteract the ill effects we can use the defence of Kirtan. My purpose in being there with three companions from the Toronto area was to provide just that. At 11a.m. a very enthusiastic Edmonton community were gathered with local dignitaries for the start of the show. And as a Ratha Yatra event commands, we are looking at a chariot with divine deities embarked on it.

Boy, do they ever smile ! And that holds too for the large numbers of being who attended, pulling the chariot ropes, singing and dancing with smiles. Oh, what a happy bunch ! 


It was truly a great festival, right to the end. Thanks to the principle organiser, Bala Krishna, and his team, who along with everyone there attacked the Soul Sucker.

5 km

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