Monday, March 25th, 2024
Durban/ Phoenix, South Africa
Around the perimeter of the Durban temple is a moat. No crocodiles even though we are in Africa. It is around this waterway that comfort, one of the devotee acting in our drama, and I took to our japa this morning. Once that was completed we entered the interior of the building to partake in the morning events.
Today is special. It is the birthday of "Mahaprabhu" which translates as " the Great Master." He goes by many names. Most common is the name "Chaitanya." He has done more for the world than many people can imagine. He is also referred to as "the Golden One."
On our way into the temple, the lobby has a table with some past issues of the magazine, "Back to Godhead." I was really attracted to the cover of an issue over 10 year ago with the name of Gauranga, the Golden one. I thought to use an article to speak from as the basis for my talk, an article by Satyaraj, one of my favourite authors.
It is appropriate to honour someone honourable on their day. He gave us mantra meditation which has mode inwards all over the world.
After a day of drama practice I was whisked away subsequent to my breakfast at the full moon's rise for a visit to the Iskcon Phoenix temple. There I spoke again about the Mantra master, Chaitanya. The trick is to pay something new and fresh about the same great person and on the strength of desire, we (the Paramatma within and I) were able to not duplicate. I highlighted that Chaitanya was an activist to promote peace on the deepest level of love.
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