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Updated: May 17

Sunday, May 12th 2024

Port Severn, Ontario

My life goes a little bit like the Beatles song, "Hello, Goodbye!" I am fairly often using these words of greeting and departing. I made a brief visit to some of our young Sudbury congregants and their new purchased home, just long enough for guacamole on toast with guava juice on the side. What gentlemen they are! It was a sweet, "Hello" and a "Hare Krishna" too, before departing with a "Goodbye!"

Then a five hour journey to Toronto took up our mid-day. That drive was lightly interrupted by a stop-over at Port Severn. What a spot! The Trent and Severn Rivers converge connecting Lake Ontario to Lake Huron. At that water-rushing conjunction, Dhrumit and I took in those oxygen tossing waves. You can say that we sent the message, "Hello!" and "Goodbye" to those favourable waters.

Off to Toronto and 243 Avenue Road where I live, but it is also home to daily visitors who want to see Krishna's murti and maybe divert to Govinda's Restaurant for a great meal. "Hello Krishna" and "Hello Prasadam."

"So long!" as well.

My last trip by wheels before I took to feet for the grand finale of the day in downtown Toronto, was east-bound to Stouffville and to our community there.

"Hello!" and "Namaste!" and "Hare Krishna!" There at a Presbyterian Church, in it's basement our Krishna devotees come together (another Beatle's song). We chanted and reflected on the Gita's Chapter 7. "Obeisances to the sacred Gita." I will never say "Goodbye" or farewell to that text. Never!

4 km

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