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Sunday, March 31st, 2024

North Beach, Durban

Before heading off for the festival site at North Beach, the temple at Chatsworth filled up with devotees from all over the country for a rite of passage. That rite is called diksha or the acknowledgement of accepting a teacher or guru. Forty initiates (1st and 2nd) sat by the agni-hotra, fire arena, for this purificatory event. Four of us gurus placed ourselves nearby. Rama Govinda, Indradyumna, myself and Bhakti Chaitanya Swamis - in that order.

I formally accepted two local young men into the fold, one is Atish from Sandton near Joburg. He received the name Ashraya, which means "shelter". The other candidate whom I've known since he was a baby, Sukadeva from Durban, received the name Satavarupa from Durban, referring to an advanced soul.

When I addressed him, "Sukadeva, also known as Kali in the drama." Indradyumna Swami blurted out, "so you are Kali." He wouldn't know who was behind all that make-up in the drama. It was a sweet ceremony overall, although it dragged on a little long, in my humble opinion.

Our crew performed their last on the stage. It was stellar due to the hard work and play. When the program at the beach come to a close, I took that stroll along the ocean with Patita. It is not advised to go about solo in many places in South Africa, it is sad to say. But we are out here to make a difference with the festival itself. With all the song, dance, food, entertainment, books and angels (the people running the show) and Sri Krishna's mercy, an attempt is made for all who attend to experience a kind of rite of passage.

4 Km

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