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Sunday, August 25th, 2024

Fredericton/ St. John/ Moncton

People in the Maritimes tell me that they've had a great summer. Weekends have revealed lots of sun. Today was no exception. While the morning proved sunny I chose the shady trails for a walk. I did get slightly lost in those trails in Fredericton but as one pedestrians on the windy, obscure path said, "All trails lead to a road."

When I got directions, worked out and arrived at Kadambha's, my kurta (shirt) revealed a clump of bars. I didn't realize how thick I was in the bush.

After a great brunch, our bhakti band was driven to St. John by Nakula to his hometown and to King's Square in Uptown. The area isn't known for the most highlighted characters. One local charged our aging Meera, dressed in a saree, that the government gave her all this money when she came. That was unpleasant and she didn't expect a remark like that as we were setting up for Krishna's Birthday celebrations at a nice gazebo in the outdoors. She snapped back, "When I came to this country 50 years ago I came with not a dollar, paid lots of taxes over the years and did much charity work." I was cheering for Meera. Tell them like it is.

Members of the Indo Canada Society came in numbers and our band started singing. Another local came along and shouted to our crowd, "The people (referring to our band) are leading you into idolatry." This time was my time to defend. "Thanks for the entertainment, Sir !" That shut him up. Our people really enjoyed the event. Locals joined the food line-up. The last stop for the day was another Krishna Birthday at St. Paul's United church in Moncton.

What a crowd and a happy one!

6 km

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