Friday, February 10th, 2023
Mayapura, West Bengal, India
Good news came from a report from Chaitanya Mangal. “After several years effort, 2023 marked the first time the Grammys officially included chant as a music category. This year the album Mantra Americana by Madi Das and Bhakti Without Borders was nominated in the Best ‘New Age Ambient and Chant Album’ category. While the album didn’t win the award, a highlight of the experience was the Maha Mantra – it was chanted on the red carpet and broadcast around the world for the first time in the sixty-five-year history of the Grammys.”
That is totally good news.
Another piece of great news, in terms of events, was a wedding. Tonight was the marriage of Sita and Gopal. Sita, I know from a time she lived in Toronto when she served in Govinda’s restaurant. I’m totally happy for her. Gopal is a nice, good-looking chap from Australia.
I was asked to say a few words to the newlyweds and friends present at the gala event held at Gaur Village. This village is a gorgeous, gated community, the brainchild of Vaikuntha Nitai, a devotee from eastern Europe, and who, twenty years ago, was the stagehand for one of our productions.
What an accomplishment this suburban development is! One is not allowed to go above two stories, allowing for ample green.
My words for the wedded couple were the usual.
Numbers are important. The world needs good people, so have lots of children. And try to avoid listening to the grumblings that it’s a bad world to bring children into. Populate and make a difference with good offspring.
5 km
Both Hari Kirtan and I enjoy you daily blogs
Hare Krishna Guru Maharajh 🙏