Sunday, February 5th, 2023
Mayapura, West Bengal, India
Our theatrical warmup practices look something like this:
Participants stand in a circle and chant the pranam mantras to our guru, Srila Prabhupada. Then mantras to the five features of the Absolute. Then mantras to the divine female and divine male, Radha and Krishna
Voice projection then involves the mantra, om namo bhaghavate vasudevaya.
Mouth muscle exercise with vowels A-E-I-O-U.
Surya namaskar, salutations to the sun – yoga stretches with Kunti from Canada.
Further body stretches by our dance master, Parama Karuna from Peru.
Loosen-up dance to Pharell Williams’ “Happy”, choreography led by Jambhavan from South Africa.
Such is our morning session, followed by the rehearsal itself.
The experience is fun and disciplined for all involved.

We are over-thrilled to have Sureshvara from the US join us as one of the main actors. Also joining us from the technical side are Mahadeva and Annapurna from Canada. We are also blessed to have a young couple from Russia, Abhay and Soma, who are proving to be very steady.
The biggest challenge is getting lines learned. So little time is left for pulling it all together. It is a bit worrisome, but Krishna is always with us.
5 km
