Friday, August 30th, 2024
Peterborough, Ontario
Who in their right mind doesn’t like it when sweet visitors come to step into your quarters ? Well I hadn’t seen artist Francis for two decades perhaps. He lives tucked away on the Bruce Peninsula Ferndale, population 60. Always favourable with great things to say about Krishna and His teachings.
After that half hour of comradeship, come a threesome, members of the TOVP team, The Temple of Vedic Planetarium. That crew consisting of pujari priest, Jaxanivax from the UK (originally), Sunanda, a California boy now in his prime and Braj Vilas from South India, are doing their rounds for promotion of the largest Vedic temple on earth, and under construction.
What a great team ! We lunched together at Toronto’s “Govinda’s”.
For me these visitors are stars, and I referred to them as such. “How do you like the life of rock star ?” Meaning they’re always on the road. Come to think of it, so am I.
Today’s venture was Peterborough, a college town of 80,000 and at a community hall venue Mahadev, Annapurna, Nityananda and Jay, our drummers enthused the crowded place where Krishna is celebrated. I would say this was the best run chanting program I’ve witnessed all summer. Appreciation goes to Murali and Chandra. I was clear from the people I talked to that they want a temple in their town. My God, did the people here enjoy chanting, yoga dancing, prasadam and the things we had to say in our talk about the All Attractive One Krishna.

4 km