Wednesday, February 22nd, 2023
Mayapura, West Bengal, India
An enthusiastic community from Ganga Sagara – where the Ganges and Indian Ocean converge – met with me in the Gada Bhavan lobby. There, we had a rather impromptu morning Bhagavatam class. My assistant here, Suta Goswami, is from Bengal, and so he translated my English.
Since it all was so spontaneous, I had to grab a verse to speak from, not so randomly, but through the number direction referencing today’s date at month 2, day 22. I had my hand Bhagavad-gita with me and flipped through until I came to 2.22 regarding the change of body, as in reincarnation, which is likened to the change of clothing.
Actually, the class ended up being more of a Gita class. There was such a nice reciprocation from the group. Some elements of the post-pandemic times, like now, are truly rewarding, interactive, and personal.
In fact, I heard from several sources that during what’s called the ILS and GBC meetings, some controversial topics arose. It was through mutual dialogue by opposing parties that some hope arose merely from sitting together and hearing from each other. In other words, away from screens and being physically seen works wonders.
I had several personal meetings with people today, including an hour-long podcast which is broadcast to the local community, and a chat with Visvadika, who is passionate about promoting ahimsa (non-violent) milk.
If there is a common theme or thread that held my day together, it was the topic of hope.
5 km