Tuesday, July 9th 2024
Chinatown, Toronto
The brainstorm session on zoom was stimulating with reps from Durban, Pune, Chowpatty and Toronto. The topic was using arts as a medium to spread Krishna Consciousness globally. It was a zoom call and it was a second instalment of this nature.
And while performing arts is in the air, our local theatre team is working to prepare for the weekend Ratha Fest. We are blessed to have a young York University graduate who majored in Theatre Arts. Arina is her name and her experience is making a difference.
My second zoom call for the day brings us back to the Gita. To some degree the section we are currently zeroing in on is Chapter7 where much is said about the worship of demigods which to some degree is discredited by the speaker of the Gita. Motivations in the area of demigod praises is for the less bright. As Krishna puts it, "The results are temporary". If you are from the wild, wild west this form of worship is fairly irrelevant. If you have a Hindu upbringing it could be an issue.
When sundown occurred it was a sign to move the feet. Uday and I received a ride from Krishna Kala to a 5 Kilometre destination point. We would walk it back to the temple, my residence. In the course of our walk we met an Oriental fellow, who spoke no English, but who was engaged in chanting on Buddhist beads. Nice guy (and his friend).
Further on and Uday and I encountered an elderly lady from Hong Kong. She was pushing a huge piece of luggage, struggling with it. I suggested Uday to help her. She was frail and also knew no English. She appeared lost. Patiently, Uday waited for Krishna to act. By providence a man who knew her language appeared and offered help.
5 km