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Friday, March 24th, 2023

Niagara Falls, Ontario

I went to see the second part of The Mahabharata called “Dharma.” This time I was accompanied by 14 people. We made good use of our time. In addition to viewing live theatre, we decided to also see nature's wonder, Niagara Falls, which is always inspiring.

When one follows Niagara River, you can explore trails for cycling or walking. Time was restricting, but we did stop by near the whirlpool where the river suddenly bends, for a great picnic. It was a fresh break from what's sometimes spicy and oily food. We went for wraps with olives, hummus, tomatoes, cilantro, and more. This outdoor venture reminded us of the lunches or picnics that child Krishna had period and although signs of spring are in the air with the sighting of cardinals and robins, winter isn't totally over. The good thing about this season is that we are told not to get too comfortable about this world in its physical form.

The seats at the Shaw Festival Theatre were indeed comfy cozy. My companions, members of the Bhakti Academy of Toronto (BAT), really enjoyed the performance. I was also impressed with the tightness of the troupe and their techniques used to convey the history of mankind – Mahabharata. We were blessed to meet the actors after the show, those who were the characters playing the roles of Krishna, Shiva, Drona, and others. The Gita portion was rendered in an operatic style. Very unique.

3 km
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