Tuesday, August 13th 2024
Peele Island, Ontario
I swear that one of the quietest places on earth while being a tourist attraction is the southern most chunk of Canada - Pelee Island. As the name implies water surrounds it. There are no crazy party places, no cannabis joints and not even a McDonald’s. It is my pause and my breath of fresh air. And it was to be a dream come true with not a crowd. 9 Americans and 3 Canadians was the sum total of our devotee population landed after a perfect ferry ride.
Good-bye madness ! Hello comfort !
I would call this a perfect down town, a rest for the brain - less people to deal with. Time to reflect. It was on the beaches of this massive lake, Erie, that I would dream away about my future as a teenager. This body of water has its own personality and it would speak to me in some manner and say something like, “I’m making my moves, soft and gentle, sometimes hard and aggressive and you can’t change that. I act within time and that time works under a greater power with a heart and an intelligence that exceeds all of nature you can move too. Fit in and play a role in this big world. Contribute ! Give !”
So, I would listen to those sounding waves hitting against rock and at another shore hear the hissing of water brush over sand and pebbles. It was nice.
When I met Vaishnavas, Krishna monks, I felt like a real direction had come. “Fit in with us !”
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