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Friday, May 19th, 2023

Bloor St. West, Toronto

Gabriel dropped me off at High Park on Bloor. From there I walked on Bloor West toward Mississauga for our Gita Chat group, in person. The way West on the pedestrian friendly St. Was precious and peaceful. At the start of the trek, a Muslim woman who spotted me called for me and requested a set of beads like the ones I held in my right hand. She knew it was a way to connect to God, hence, the request. I gave her my card and let her know that I can be reached for acquiring beads. I don't carry extra sets.

The ambling along Bloor was great, and then I reached my destination at Kipling by a shell gas station waiting for Dharma to pick me up for destination Lobsang’s home in Mississauga. At the corner of Acorn Ave. and Bloor West, I met God.

A young fellow bee-lined his way to me. “Are you a monk? I Saw you from the bus and decided to get off to see you.”

“Yes, I'm a monk!”

“Well, I am God!” he said.

“Do you have the qualifications to deserve that title?”

“Yes, it's confirmed from the voice of heaven. I'll prove it.” He pulled out his laptop with an intent to show me the evidence, but his device was not charged up. You would think God could charge it up automatically. I asked him where he was from and if he held a career. He said he was from Punjab and didn't work. I also expressed to him that I follow Krishna, and his response was, “I am Krishna.” He mentioned he smokes cannabis. I shook his hands feeling the honour to have met God.

“Very nice!” I remarked. At that moment Dharma pulled up to take me further west for the studying of the Gita and learning more about God.

6 km
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