Monday, June 26th, 2023
Niagara Falls, Ontario
It was absolutely great to see Marcel again after about four decades. He hails from London, Ontario, and became involved with the mission of Prabhupada back in ’74 when he and a group of his buddies joined our ashram when we were located in cabbage town of Toronto. There was Henry and Cindy, Rick, Robert, all from the London, St. Mary’s area. Not all of the group stayed with Krishna. It is hard to say what paths they took, and it is very apparent that they lost track of each other. They all had this love for the process and love for the guru, Prabhupada.

As a token of appreciation for being a pioneer of Krishna consciousness in this part of the world, I gifted Marcel with the book trilogy written by Shyamasundar called Chasing Rhinos with the Swami. Thank you, Marcel, and I wish you well.
My afternoon was lovingly tide down by a rather spontaneous meeting and dinner at the home of Vaishnava. We met with, I guess you could say, a second wave of devotees to the Krishna movement from South Africa and India. We had on board Vimala, our temple president of Niagara, Nanda Maharaj, Vaishnava, Puja, Madhu, and Abhiram – all really good souls.
Bhakti food is always good. And the meeting on the theme of expansion of higher consciousness was very productive. Very satisfying! We gifted each other with the positive association each of us had offered.