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Writer's pictureBhaktimarga Swami


Thursday, August 10th, 2023

Thunder Bay/Marathon

They are young, smart, energetic, respectful – that is the way I would describe many of the international students that come from abroad to learn, work, serve, preparing themselves for a promising future. Love Gautam is the name of the chap who conjured up interest amongst the handful (enough to fit in his new van) of specimens from India to accompany me for a japa session at beautiful Kakabeka Falls. We admired the falls, a spark of the Creator's splendour, but we also walked by the boreal trees and sat by a shelter. So, I asked them, each of them, what their favourite story from the Vedic epics is. From that came each person's best hero pastime. Now, what group of university or college students are going to ponder on that in a modern setting?

Love informed our troupe about Wild Goose Beach where we enjoyed the crystal clear water of Lake Superior. In fact, this grand body of water, referred to by the Indigenous population as Gichigami (big water), was for the most part to our right, or south, as we drove our way to the town of Marathon. And on that picturesque route we just had to stop for breathtaking breaks. At one particular rest stop I received a call from Dharma from Mississauga in the south.

"Are you going to be on the call?" he asked in regard to Thursday's Gita Chat. Thanks for the reminder. I actually goofed earlier in the day when I was to be on a call with colleagues, GBC members, the executives. So, that hour was spent at the shoreline, the view like that of a Tom Thompson or Lawren Harris painting (check out Group of Seven). We finally arrived in Marathon in what seemed to be a marathon on wheels. Thanks to Krishna that Canadian immigration policires are open. A bealutiful fanmily from India fed us and gave the best in hospitality.

5 km

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