Wednesday, January 30th, 2025
Queen & Ossington, Toronto
My good friend from Montreal, Anubhava, who managed our ashram temple for 7 years in Montreal, came for a breath, a break, and a change for four days. There was a problem with the train midway through, but eventually, all worked out. Actually, it was myself who suggested he give himself a little vacation. He took up the suggestion.
Since the time of his arrival, I dined with him and talked all about the marvellous things happening at the temple in Toronto with books being distributed, centres being opened and making new members through the Bhakti Academy program. During Anubhava’s stay we agreed to simply do things together. That began as of now.
I had completed my Thursday Gita Zoom call and then scurried away with Anubhava to the Downward Dog Yoga Centre on Ossington. The weekly program there went wonderfully. Some pranayama took place, which means we all went for a session of relaxed breathing. The program runs so smoothly with three people of our own devotees from ISKCON teaching what others came for – some life skills and life purposes.
Being the fourth teacher, I engaged the group in mantra chanting of a mellow sort. We then picked up tempo and pace, and all with mouth and tongue movement, then adding clapping and thigh thumping. The conclusive form of yoga practice involved dance, leg, and arm work while chanting. The last bit of yoga was to form a circle and move clockwise while lunging forward and back in dance to the mantras. I think Krishna loves us for doing this.
