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Saturday, December 9th, 2023


An incredible effort goes into pulling together a wedding. This was no exception for the knot ceremony of Punya Shravana, and Vishaka, an outstanding couple from our community in Toronto. First of all, Punya takes part in our book distribution and manages the ordering and disbursement of these books of wisdom. Our courageous soldiers declare war on this mayic or illusory world by making that special and sweet push to deliver to the souls that are very conditioned through encouraging the deeper aspects of life. 

Vishaka is our live-in manager extraordinaire of the Toronto temple. From this point on she will continue her valuable services but move in with her new husband. The ceremony was just stupendous and so much support was displayed by the resident and non-resident devotees. What a great congregation!

After my brief speech I had to race off to Barrie, one crazy hour north, to our monthly gathering there. My driver, Nimai Nitai, and I were fighting with time. We met all the participants of Barri, a happy bunch. I would not get out of the van due to digestive issues (not doing that well) but from the vehicle was able to hand our certificate to the devotional efforts of the children of that community. 

Finally, for our evening engagement, we arrived to meet the anticipated Sudbury group of 30 or so bhaktas. Our chanting, talk, and jokes were appreciated and mutually we enjoyed good hospitality.


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