Friday, August 2nd 2024
Red Deer, Alberta
Bowers Ponds is a nest nook within Red Deer with its gorgeous river, hard and soft wood trees, geese and ducks, everything but cars and trucks. An escape place.
Satyaurata and I took to the trails at an a.m. slot. Later in the evening Mahadev and Annapurna and I hit the same paths foe their appeal. What a way to fire up a day and then wind it down to take off its crown.

As has been observed, people are just the most mellow by trees and water - you get your balance.Â
I write my words on the paper lines as an equilibrium test
Perhaps it can bring a fickle mind to relax and to rest
When the letters go above the line I think I’m a little proud
And when they dip below the line I must be in a dark cloud
At times I’m off course like a failing flying trapeze
Off balance, I fumble and fall like a chronic disease
I want to hit that target, a tight rope to latch on to
That is my conviction because that is what I want to
Do not the ups of downs of life make us very lean?
When rich in thought are we not in the in-between ?
The middle path is the actual sound place to be
Truly then we capture the view and do properly see
I must walk the line, the straight and the narrow
And shoot like Arjun when he positions his arrow
Set my mind right and align with the senses
Put love in its place after cleaning the lenses
It’s those paper lines that so much do it for me
Since the tendency to jump is so strong on that mental tree
It is imperative that we lock our senses in
For disciplines give freedom, so put away the gin
At the threshold we must make up our mind
To enable forward steps and leave Maya behind
Let’s bring ourself closer to the realm of equanimity
Approach life in balance for the soul’s liberty
8 km