Saturday, June 24th, 2023
Burnaby, British Columbia
When you pet a cat it gives a purr
Showing there's so much contentment in her
When a cat starts to whine
It is clearly then a sign
She is indeed not flaunting
But expressing she is wanting
I think the Earth is like that
Yes, like that of a cat
When you walk on Earth's surface
It does not make her nervous
Your footsteps are actually a massage
You are treating her like a Maharaja
It is a form of pampering
Something for which she is hankering
Now, I've been doing the walking marathon
And Earth makes me feel I'm a leprechaun
Due to her vastness and her size
A dimension no one can compromise
To the Creator she's a mere mustard seed
But she can shake us and make us plead
For she has power and has might
When God and nature combined to unite
The Earth bore beauty, texture, the colour green
Sometimes she's gentle, sometimes mean
We've all seen her react in passion
When mistreated she does this lashing
And yet always comes through with delivery
Food, drink, and fuel are her mercy
Hence, protecting, preserving, and 'petting' our Earth
Are the gauge for a sage with human worth
Your feet and your will are for this planet
From those, will come peace and less combat
-By Bhaktimarga Swami

3 km