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Tuesday, December 5th, 2023

Varadero, Cuba

At Memories Resort, Ganganath and I met with Mitch from Ottawa and shawn from North of Toronto. We had our meal together and I mentioned to our new friends, rather typical Canadians, that Ganga and I were having our “last supper” which gave them a laugh. Our conversation went great at the dining table. Shawn admitted to being vegan for 8 months but “dropped off”. “This is what happens when you don’t have a coach”, I digested the matter of how to balance your eating. I didn’t intend to mother him on this but to encourage him in case he has round 2 in the endeavour.

Our new friends were fascinated by our monk lifestyles but not ready to conform to it. Maybe in the future.

Our last hours before embarking on the bus for the airport were a time for patience. While waiting, we met a well educated young woman from Trois Rivière in Québec. I believe she has our last book. (During our stay in Cuba, we emptied out our two full suitcases of BBT books, “The Gita”, “Science of Self-Realization”, etc.) In fact, The Gita she received was my own personal copy. 

In the bus for our grand departure, a guide on the mic at the front of the bus asked the tourist passengers: “What did you do in Cuba?” I raised my hand and said: “We did some meditation. If you don’t do that you’ll probably do medication.” That got some laughs. 

The passenger next to me was keenly interested in my lifestyle and from her questions, we killed half of our flight-time in conversation. Her husband plays tennis but acquired knee issues.When he took to giving up on meat, it improved his playing increasingly.

3 km

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