Sunday, June 23rd 2024
Kelowna, British Columbia
Tom, the mayor, came out to acknowledge our fest, as mentioned, the first. Also Tracy, the member of Parliament for the area, graced us with her presence. A modest-sized chariot was the attraction for the 1200 folks that came, lest we forget the beautiful deities as passengers within.
The efforts behind this event are the combination of Hari Kirtan from Kamloops and the relatively young members of the local Hindu society, mostly from the Punjabi community. Both groups worked hand in hand, approaching it all with the back up enthusiastic sun. Locals part along side with the newer immigrants. I mentioned to the mayor that Ratha Yatra represents an extended family union. "So, here we are representing the universal family."
Prem Purusottam, a young chap from Sudbury had joined Iskcon in 1982, and was the Master of Ceremonies. In addition to that service, he presented a drama delving into the story of King Yudisthira's encounter with his father, Dharma, incognito and their conversation at the Lake of Death. I had the honour to be the voice over for Dharma, the emblem of righteousness.
The ground finale for this first annual was the interactive yoga dance at which time the musicians get on the stage and all spectators shine by moving their body parts in a swag to the tune of the maha matra. Yes, everyone sings.
Kelowna Ratha Yatra is now an annual event and what is paramount is that it is a spiritual happening.
3 km