Sunday, October 8th, 2023
Burnaby, British Columbia
I'm back in the Vancouver area, in particular, the temple in Burnaby where there is a healthy attendance of younger participants, like many of our temples continentally. For this reason, I found it necessary to acquaint the new crew with our founder, Prabhupada. As the speaker for the Sunday Open House, I chose to read about the commentator of our holy text, Bhagavad-gita As It Is, again, Srila Prabhupada.
Do these newer folks really know the person who brought this dynamic culture to the west and the east again, north, and south? I read the section, "The Author." Here is an excerpt:
"When he first arrived by freighter in New York City, Srila Prabhupada was practically penniless. Only after almost a year of great difficulty did he establish the International Society for Krishna Consciousness in July of 1966. Before he passed away on November 14th, 1977, he had guided the society and seen it grow to a worldwide confederation."
Since he departed, after building an empire, the community he established continues to grow. And here in the Vancouver area, with the foundation of his books, we also persist in a progressive march of growth. We announced to the community additional talent to our management team. The names of new admin devotees were delivered, and it appears that the audience is pleased. New blood and new energy is the way to go.
I was particularly happy to see a family who just purchased a set of volumes of the Srimad Bhagavatam to enrich their lives.
6 km